• Pirates Of The Caribbean 6 Release Date

    Pirates Of The Caribbean 6 Release Date

    Will there be a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and if so, when will Pirates 6 come out? Warriors orochi 4 ultimate 1. The fifth Pirates movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, was released in May of 2017.While the film introduced the next generation of characters, it.

    Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, and Keira Knightley in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End’ Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales came out on DVD and Blu-Ray this week, after a rather robust theatrical run. Sure, the film made less than the previous $963 million-$1 billion+ grossing sequels, but the Walt Disney pirate adventure still made $794m worldwide.

    It is also, for what it’s worth, the highest-grossing live-action movie ever to not top $200m in North America, making $172m in North America (compared to $240m for On Stranger Tides in 2011). So, the question becomes whether or not Disney should quit while they are ahead or take a shot at another installment. The risks are obvious, as a continuing downturn (at budgetary levels) will eventually create a situation where a Pirates film loses money. But there exists a couple of ways to potentially prolong the franchise if Disney chooses.

    First and foremost, they need to get back to the root of the series. While Captain Jack Sparrow was the breakout character in the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, he was not the outright lead. He was the Han Solo to Will Turner’s Luke Skywalker and Elizabeth Swann’s Princess Leia.

    But the twist, in the first movie and (to a lesser extent) the first two sequels, is that the film was essentially Elizabeth’s journey. She is the first character we meet onscreen, and the trilogy’s overreaching arc is that of Keira Knightley’s protagonist, a governor’s daughter born into privilege, who wants to be a pirate but then realizes up close that an actual pirate’s life is filled with moral compromises and terrible consequences.

    By At World’s End, Elizabeth has her own pirate ship and is “King of the Pirates.” But she has lost both her father (Jonathan Pryce) and her would-be betrothed (Jack Davenport) who sacrificed himself to save her party. By the journey’s end, the pirates have defeated the murderous British government, but Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) has essentially perished, doomed to become the new captain of the Flying Dutchman and leaving his new wife alone with their unborn son. We can debate to what extent the films succeeded in making this the core arc of the movies (Swann spends much of the first film in damsel-in-distress mode), but Pirates of the Caribbean began as a high-seas riff on Star Wars, it morphed into a grimmer, Rogue One-type mythology. Even as Johnny Depp’s crowd-pleasing Jack Sparrow became the main draw, Gore Verbinski tried not to let him take over the movies. It is Swann who we see first in both Curse of the Black Pearl and Dead Man’s Chest, as the latter climaxes with Swann embracing her pirate destiny by murdering Sparrow in order to help her fellow mates escape the Kraken. Yes, he would come back, but not for the first third of At World’s End, and if anything the film works so well without him that he should have stayed dead.

    I’ve argued the same for Han Solo in Return of the Jedi. Depp’s buffoonery clashes with the grim tone for a movie that opens with the British government hanging a child.

    If Walt Disney wants to make a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, just craft another adventure that puts Keira Knightley’s Elizabeth Swann in a starring role. She is only 32-years-old, which is just two years older than Orlando Bloom was when he made At World’s End (and eight years younger than Johnny Depp when he first played Sparrow in Curse of the Black Pearl). With all the action in Hollywood in terms of gender-swapping old properties, this one would be a pretty easy situation, since you already have an established property, a marquee supporting character in Depp’s Sparrow and an established female lead in Knightley’s Swann who could easily take center stage in an even more dramatic form.

    Heck, if you really want to spice things up and have your cake and eat it too, you can make Jack Sparrow the villain this time out. No, not “he’s being blackmailed into betraying his family,” and no, not “he’s been brainwashed to believe that he needs to destroy our world to save his.” I mean, he’s the actual antagonist who actually embraces his villainy after all these years. That A) throws a major twist into the franchise and B) offers a reasonable way to keep Sparrow in the picture without again making him the goofball screw up. And if you want to close the book on the franchise (or at least this arc) by killing Sparrow, then that’ll make the movie one hell of an event. But, I would argue that with Knightley and Bloom back in the driver’s seat, and a somewhat cheaper production budget, there is some value in testing the waters in a Depp-free installment. And, here’s the thing: Disney can afford to fail.

    It’s a strange dichotomy. The same franchise-rich safety that makes a sixth Pirates entirely unnecessary is also the relative safety that allows Disney to roll the dice on it. If we get a Pirates 6 in 2020 and it does poorly, like Transformers: The Last Knight numbers, the Mouse House will still have plenty of other big hits to buffer the loss. And if it scores, well, that’s another notch in the belt. It’s the same situation that Universal now faces with its “Dark Universe,” as they just shut down pre-production on Javier Bardem and Angelina Jolie’s The Bride of Frankenstein. Yes, The Mummy was an artistic disaster and limped to $408 million worldwide almost entirely on Tom Cruise’s star power. But if we still get Bill Condon’s The Bride of Frankenstein in 2020 or later, it’ll be protected by the likes of Fast and Furious 9 and Minions 2.

    And that’s not even counting if we get a fast-tracked Dwayne Johnson/Jason Statham Fast and Furious spinoff to replace the FF9 that just moved to April of 2020. The Dark Universe isn’t in great shape, but it’s not remotely a do-or-die franchise for Universal. They can cancel it (or make Bride entirely stand-alone and/or make it an outright R-rated horror movie) or they can roll the dice precisely because they don’t need it. Walt Disney is in the same boat with Pirates, a series that is much more successful than (for example, in terms of will they/won’t they sequels) Tron: Legacy or Pacific Rim ever was. The funny thing is, in any other situation, we’d absolutely be getting a sequel to a movie that earned $794 million worldwide, no matter the critical response.

    New pirates of the caribbean 6 release date

    Heck, Disney just hired one of the Pirates 5 directors to helm Maleficent 2, over three years after that Angelina Jolie fantasy snagged $759m worldwide. So it will be interesting to see if Dead Men Tell No Tales is really the end of the line. Universal/Comcast Corp.

    And Walt Disney are in similar envious positions right now, in that they can choose to continue or end their franchises precisely because they have enough other biggies that those properties are not essential to their survival. I might argue that Warner Bros./Time Warner Inc.

    Is in the same boat with the LEGO movies after LEGO Movie 2. Has Jack Sparrow sunk his last ship? Will the Dark Universe live long enough to get its proverbial Wonder Woman? Or maybe Universal can just arbitrarily designate Glass as the next chapter in the Dark Universe.

    I’ve been begging them to slap the Illumination label on the next batch of Laika movies for a year now. This story is most certainly to be continued. If you like what you’re reading, follow @ScottMendelson on Twitter, and “like” The Ticket Booth on Facebook. Also, check out my archives for older work. RECOMMENDED BY FORBES.

    Pirates Of The Caribbean 6 Release Date